Facebook is one of the most visited social networks...

Increasingly Facebook turns into a place for expression of many newly emerging businesses. The companies are paying increasing attention, time and funds for adverting in the social media.

Facebook is one of the most visited social networks, and the Facebook ads are quite suitable way to reach the prospective customers. With its hundreds of millions users Facebook offers an excellent opportunity to reach the precise audience for good price.
Unlike the traditional paid advertisement, for Facebook ads you bid for user demographic data. This means that you address your ads to particular age, sex, preferences, and interests and even to establishments, offices or work places which the people visit. The competition is much lower compared to the one of paid search in Internet.

What are the advantages of Facebook ads?
• From the very beginning of Facebook ads campaign building, you will receive data for possible number of target group that you can address
• You will obtain social engagement of users with your Facebook ads. They may comment or like your ads and in such way you have a feedback whether users like your product or service that you advertise
• Creation of text ads or image ads
• Targeting by location, sex, age groups, etc. This enables you to precisely address your Facebook ads to particular users

The team of Digital marketing agency Emedia Consult has extensive experience in building of advertising campaigns through Facebook Ads.
Contact us, to discuss your Facebook ads.